Live From Casa De Fallon
Staying the night at someone else's house is always pretty difficult for me. It's doubly so when I'm the only one in here, I considered going home tonight since Phoenix is spending the night at her friends re:Her Friend's BD Party but I guess I just couldn't live with the idea that it might become difficult for Phoenix to call me. After all, she's called me maybe 5 times in her life - a side-effect of me calling constantly to get updates I guess, at least maybe she won't be a phoneaholic like her mother when she grows up. So I'm here in the dark, without my trusty and now working computer or my massive stash of games. They've got a really tricked out Xbox, but I think doing any serious gaming (aside from sports games and racing games) just about requires a mouse. Oh well, at least I was finally able to see the Matrix sequel.
Oh, and one more thing. I just saw that Madonna/Britney Spears music video...Now I'm going to be going blonde crazy mother-daughter in my sick pervo wet dreams. I'm sure you all wanted to hear that. To repeat though: I wouldn't mind being the filling in that vanilla oreo. Screw any consideration on if they can sing, it's the woman who I masturbated to parading around in her underwear in the 80s with the girl with the helium-filled super funbags. Daaayum. Now I just need a visual reference for Janet Jackson making out with Naomi Campbell and I'm not sure if I will ever need to seek porn again. Burned into my BRAIN I tell you. Lucky for me though, I think the song is contrived and derived and not very good. I'll probably have IT stuck in my head too.
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