Music: 100 Greatest Guitar Solos Of All Time
Every guitarist has opinions on what some of the greatest recorded guitar solos are. While there are many that are commonly regarded as "great", there are lots of others that don't get as much attention.
Where immovable objects meet their match.
Every guitarist has opinions on what some of the greatest recorded guitar solos are. While there are many that are commonly regarded as "great", there are lots of others that don't get as much attention.
Why do I do what I do when I tell you
Jesus wept for the children
In the dirt of the mornin' I slip my boots back on
I wish you were here
You're always asking me
"It started with this "letter to a son" that has been making the rounds. We had had an IM discussion earlier in the week, and I had made the mistake of telling her that my father-in-law (who was a Bush voter in 2000) and I had gone to see Fahrenheit 911. She said that she thought it was a piece of propaganda (of course, without having seen it) and so I tried to change the subject. She told me that she would be forwarding the above-mentioned e-mail to me. I told her I would read it and do my best to respond thoughtfully to it."
Two families move from Pakistan to America. When they arrive, the two fathers make a bet. In a year's time whichever family had become more American would win.