Stop it God Petition
Everyone needs to sign this, because everyone knows that petitions are an excellent way to get people to change things. After all, people in power can't ignore the people when they speak out can they?
Where immovable objects meet their match.
Everyone needs to sign this, because everyone knows that petitions are an excellent way to get people to change things. After all, people in power can't ignore the people when they speak out can they?
Gun Warnings would probably get a visit from Homeland Security in the good ole' USA nowadays. Personally I think the idea of instructions for any sort of firearms is pretty stupid, if a person can't figure out the important things about firearm safety on their own then they probably deserve everything that's coming to 'em.
"I almost lost the woman I love because of a stupid decision I made. Maybe I did deserve to die, but they were kind enough to let me live because they knew how much I needed her in life and death. She's my everything. She's the air I breathe, the songs I sing, the sweet words I hear, and she's everything beautiful around me. I couldn't ask for a more perfect person to accept me as the imperfect person I am. And I'm forever grateful to her. "
Kabalarian's website promises "to establish sanity in the human race" through mathematical name analysis. Sounds cool, huh? Let's see:
"If you're going to write for a mass market, make sure your message is clear, concise, and unambiguous. Then only 60% of the readers will misunderstand or misquote you."
Seriously, this site has me in tears giggling still. I mean, I know objectively that it's probably more due to the fact that it's entirely too late and I've drink too much iced tea but forget that. Go there and report unto me what a god I am for revealing unto you the site that I delivereth. After you're done there, why don't you head over to and have a laugh there too or go to somethingawful and pop your eyes out of your skull.
There is something incredibly wrong with this kid. Really. This is more disturbing than the weird girl with her blog of nothing but tests or the people exchanging gaggingly drippy sentiments via blog in the now defunct I love you Michelle (they probably got self conscious when the realized I could see his hand in her skirt). It's not as disturbing as the man who ate his own penis though, so I guess that's a good sign. Do they even bother teaching English at all in school? Even Prince lyrics aren't as arcane as this, though to be fair it's possible that that it's not an English speaking blog. I wonder why kids bother trying to write in English if they're going to bollox it up so badly though. You won't find me rattling off, "adias moschach ass" or any nonsense geared towards mangling Spanish anytime soon.
Tonight's update is a "I feel guilty for not writing" one. I don't know exactly why I should feel guilty. I never promised that I was going to be prompt, but still I feel like I've been coasting here. I did a bit of semi-significant writing at Etherea the other night, but it wasn't very coherent. I sat down on Thursday night and drew a map by hand from blues to inks in a couple hours for the first time in a long while. I've gotten so used to using my Wacom pen that it felt strange, that didn't feel very good.
Check out this article at Greed is bad, mmmkay?
"Those who suppress freedom always do so in the name of law and order." John Lindsay
At the insistence of Becky, probably because she was hoping that I would score higher on this test than her scandalously evil ass, I took a new test today. Here are the results:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Very Low |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Very Low |
Level 2 (Lustful) | Very High |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | Very High |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Very High |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Very High |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | Extreme |
Level 7 (Violent) | Very High |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | Extreme |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | Very High |
Don't ask me how I actually found the link to here, but I found it oddly compelling. Apparently the webpage is set up for round-eye freaks like me who find themselves living in Korea, presumably not courtesy of Uncle Sam. Despite having very little inclination to live, work, or even visit Korea I found myself amused for a whole half hour as I navigated the ruthlessly inefficient site and it's strange presentation. It's nice to know that my money is worth more in Korea, but I'm unsure if it's worth the indignity of crapping in a hole in the floor. I think the main reason to go to Korea for myself would be to get some good kimchi, which doesn't sound like a good reason really. I haven't had any good kimchi since I was in high school and could sponge my dirty cabbage habit off of my friend's girlfriends. We used to eat that stuff like popcorn while our eyes glossed over watching each other play Tetris and drinking sweet tea. Ugh...Why didn't I spend my time drinking, smoking pot, and having unprotected sex like all the other teenagers?
Ok, today I went to take Phoenix to lunch only to find her eating when I got there. That was a little annoying since I asked her mother to not let her eat anything specifically until I got there but I'll get over it. Later on we played Connect Four for a while and basically hung out, my eyes are still itchy from their cat. Anyways, in short order it was a pretty boring day.
Well, it didn't do so badly. The food was good and the only slight hiccup came I think when I had to leave for a bit and my grandmother decided that Phoenix was being a little anti-social and went and claimed her. When I got back from the store with sodas and mustard she had her cornered on the couch explaining to her how much she loved her. I know she means well, but it was obvious that Phoenix was a bit distressed over it. My grandmother kept rambling on about buying Phoenix teacups when she was little and I was trying to deflect the conversation the whole time. Phoenix doesn't seem to be able or want to be able to remember much from the whole Biloxi-New Orleans-Antioch-Mike era, and I don't blame her even if she was a little young too. In any case she shouldn't be forced into trying to remember a time in her life that wasn't much fun, no matter how well intended it was meant. Thankfully my grandmother allowed herself to be sidetracked and blew off any resentment she had towards me. I really wish I knew how I did things like that.
More scary blogs: Over at Stardust's Blog she seems to have decided on doing nothing but quizzes all the time. I'm not saying that quizzes are lame, I obviously wander into stupid quizzes myself and post the results. That's because often the only way I can figure out a reason to rationally add a graphic to this blog is to dish out a quiz result, or worse I have nothing important to say at that moment.*
The Geek Test, my results? 44.18146% - Major Geek
Two hours after I said I was going to sleep, finally worked out much more of the kinks in the new layout. I lost the tag board because it was doing weird things because I couldn't size it properly. The top of the page works fine until I have to account for the annoying "I haven't paid" banner. My blog roll links are back to looking ugly again, but I think I can fix that easily enough.
The Personality Disorder Test for people too crazy to go see a doctor. Apparently I'm moderately crazy in just about every category, so I guess that makes me hyper-sane?
Today I found a new word that I've never seen before. Sometimes a little knowledge is an awful, icky thing. I found it reading the phonegirl's livejournal. She says she's some sort of phone sex operator, but what do I know? She seems to have a bit of the ex-stripper "see how nasty I can be?" mentality, but that might just be because she's a guy. God, did I just say that?
Would you like help from being Depressed? Abused? Afraid? Tormented? Suicidal? Sick? Alcoholic? Addict? Obese? Homosexual (gay, lesbian)? Witch? Satanist? Brotherhood? Want out of the occult or a cult? Hooked on porno? Dying? OCD? MPD? DID? Molester? Self-Abuse? Bi-polar? Etc.?I mean, who WOULDN'T want to get helped if they're a depressed alcoholic obese addict fag studying to be a witch while watching porno movies and molesting kids while whipping themselves thanks to a brain condition! AVAST YE DEMONS! ARGH!
Click Here If You Are Not A l33t-Enabled Blog Viewer
Phoenix told me that her mother is now requiring that she keep a journal, like she had when she was younger. I'm not really sure about the requirement thing, but Phoenix accepts rules a lot better than I ever did. Anyways, she's already wrote three poems in it and they're actually pretty good. I'm thinking about asking her if she'd mind if I posted them here to primp like a proud papa (enough alliteration for you?). Strangely they're not falling victim to a lot of the problems with things that young writers have, I don't know how she managed that since I've not really schooled her I think in writing. She's even been writing a weird vampire story with her friend from school that is outstanding mostly from the viewpoint that she has natural dialogue even if she somehow manages to think that gaslight England should have telephone references in it. Oh well, she's eleven. Hopefully she'll eventually take enough of an interest in history to at least know when she doesn't know things like that. I was pampered, my dad had thousands of books on surrounding me at all times and read around me all the time. I think the only time she really sees anyone reading is at school or when she's over here and on my computer pushing me into single-tasking a novel or something.
I thought I was going to do a real update last night, but instead I went out like a light at something like 9:30. That's pretty weak from the guy who used to find sleep only once every 3 days or so, I must be getting old. I guess I was so tired that I had an actual dream instead a 'create something all night while you sleep' dream. It was really weird, with this public shower scene going on that probably should have been erotic but only made me wake up sad at 3am and have to go back to sleep. I don't know what is with me, I can't even be happy with another person in my own dreams, everything is bittersweet...always.
Sorry about the lack of updates recently, I've been running around being busy. Here is something I saw while metamoderating at Slashdot, I thought it was funny enough that it deserved to be repeated:
I decided to go see my mother. It was ok, on Friday I went out there in the morning and had breakfast with her and my stepfather at Waffle House while the airconditioner that was set for summer heat froze us into submission during the pouring rain. Later on that day I left and let my brother visit some on the principle that when they got back I would go and visit with her some more. I had dropped in for a while just to talk about our plans for Saturday and my brother called and got upset that I was there. What an ass, so basically I was left with staying with my mother all night because he was huffy that I had shown up at all. We all walked down to the water near the bridge and watched as they shot off fireworks all down the coast, we could watch them from Valparaiso to Seaside. It was like the world had been made of fireworks for 180 degrees of vision, very cool. Not as cool as sitting in the park in Miami while you watched the city just be...alive all around you, but sort of a quiet by-the-ocean cool.
I'm slept really badly tonight. I'm not sure what to do about my mother. I got a stick-it note that she's in town. Good thing, I had been debating driving up to Tennessee overnight even though I hadn't heard from her. My mother hasn't been the best thing for me in my life, she might be the source of all of my negativity and maybe seriously the possible strange brain chemistry I possibly have. I'm afraid to check something like that out though, not to mention the cost, because who wants to be told in black and white that they're crazy and have to be put on medication to be "normal". Normal people do stupid things, the only thing remotely appealing about normal on the face of it is that fitting in might interesting once or twice. I'm not sure that you can come back from normal though, like it's a strange line that you might cross and become suddenly seized by the keepers of hypocrisy and complacency. That's not what I want. It's certainly not what I want from my mother, who spends a lot of her time in conversations with me for the past few years meandering through the same old painful conversations and memories that she used to torture me with when I was younger. She makes me feel guilty about everything, even things I don't feel the least bit responsible for. As I was laying in bed I tried to recall a single moment where my mother made me feel good about who I am or something I had done, and I couldn't come up with anything. A complete blank, but I remember watching her with my brother before puberty or thereabouts and remember maybe something once or twice that she might have done to make him feel good. It stands to reason that it might be possible that she's only good with smaller children. She was lost raising us.
Ahem, I shall now mention Britney Spears so that I might hope to fall victim to a webcrawler. I am such a whore.
RIght now I'm groovin' on Allison Krauss and Union Station on Austin City Limits. I think her voice is just about perfect, I wish I could sing. Well, I can...but I doubt I'll ever get my big break in Nashville if you get my drift. Maybe I'll see if I still have the country versions of the Nine Inch Nails songs I recorded for my friend Mary still lurking somewhere in my stacks of files, and post them for linking. Trust me, my versions make Johnny Cash's Hurt look masterful...but I did mine years ago. Hell, what else should I do? I've got the whitest white guy voice in the world, even if I dreamed of rapping or singing funk I'd miss the mark. I don't even have the "angry white guy" voice, it's more like an Erkel version of Kirk Cameron instead. So what choice do I have, I could moan bad goth songs when I sing or twang it up for country music. Since most of my family is from Alabama, I have a long history of familiarity with illiteracy and beer. The choice was clear. Still, I prefer writing and painting to singing and when I must make music I'd rather have it involve things other than my own voice.
The Spectator deserves some links, even if I'm not sure if I prefer it over The Onion. In less funny news there's this guy who I'm at least glad didn't blame everything on his Dungeon Master. Dude, get a gun and shoot people like all your friends. Another interesting place to go today might be the Tard Blog. I ran across this blog while I was looking at someone else's blog, who I assure you was less interesting. In any case Tard Blog is very...human. It's one of those places you go and find yourself repelled but if you're honest with yourself you can empathize. Overall I think that this is a good thing, when Dusty and Asa were interns at the group home for handicapped kids they related a lot of the same sentiment. I think there must be something horrible about the whole thing that leads people involved in that sort of care to treat it differently than those of us on the outside. Sort of like the blase way black people can refer to each other in language that would earn a serious ass-whipping from a rednecky looking white guy like me.
Ok, so I took a nap earlier this evening and when I woke up my DSL has been a weird monster of sputtering capability since. I can get onto Usenet but I can't check my mail, I can edit my blog apparently but I can't summon it to view. I have no clue why something that seems so simple and seamless in my life gets goofed up like this occassionally. I try to think but can't remember all of the things I used to do before I was online, I seem to recall drinking, but if that contained all of my time that I now spend wandering and writing about my experiences here on the internet then I'd probably be pickled by now.
"Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
Here is another interesting bit to play with:
I took the Chakra Test just now:
I feel like going back to bed. I woke up early (ok, earlier than I might otherwise have) so that I could call up Trina and see what was going on with her taking the baby back to Biloxi. Phoenix doesn't particularly care to go on the exactly same trip in the car for five hours all the time, so I usually try to find some way of sparing her if her mother is amenable to the whole idea. Asleep! Asleep still at almost one, it's always hard to figure out. She can be more of a tornado of activity than I ever dream of, be surrounded by people all the time, and still find time to sleep. I never remember sleeping when I was Trina, I never got enough of it, can't still imagine getting enough of it in her environment. All those things to do made me nervous. I would be a bleary-eyed monster ready to stab people 90% of the time wearing a poker face to suit other people's sanity back then. I'm tired now, but I'm afraid to go to sleep. I might miss something.
Here it is, 3:30 again and I'm still up feeling like it is the afternoon instead of the dead of night. What shall I grace you with this evening that will thrill and astound you with my wit and cleverness? Probably nothing.